CheckoutDAO is a decentralized and synergetic collective of tech-builders, online businesses, commerce partners and web3 enthusiasts, governed by $CHEK token holders.
We believe that technology should serve the interests of communities and not the other way around... we build open-source commerce tools for anyone to use for free. These tools allow businesses to process their commerce transactions with less loses and more gains.
We are making online commerce fair, available and owned by its users.
All the proceeds generated by these tools are stored and controlled by the DAO’s governance and treasury. The DAO awards a cryptocurrency token ($CHEK) to each business who contributed to the revenue.
This token represents a vested interest in the DAO and can be used by its owner to further improve the protocol and vote in matters regarding the DAO’s protocol and treasury.
This systems puts people who use the network, in charge of the network - ensuring decision makers are those with it’s best interest at heart.
Are you an online businesses, a technology builder, a commerce partner, an investor or simply a curious mind? You are welcome.
Businesses contribute their transactions.
Builders contribute their time.
Partners contribute their network diversity.
Investors contribute their capital.
And the curious are the next generation of leaders.
In web2, businesses had no choice but to rent their gateways to Stripe, Airbnb & Shopify for a hefty fee. Our tools are a combinations of open-source solutions to smoothly transition into web3, where businesses regain property of their transactions.
During this transaction, a fee is versed into the CheckoutDAO and a token of value equal to this transaction fee is automatically attributed to the seller who brought the transaction.